12. What is a daughter cell? How do the daughter cells of mitosis differ from the daughter cells of meiosis? 13. You must be able to perform a Punnet square. Complete the following combination below: a. Homozygous dominant mom and heterozygous dad - use the letter "' b. Homozygous dominant mam and homozygous recessive dad - use the letter c. Heterozygous mom and heterozygous dad - use the letter ""


12. What is a daughter cell? How do the daughter cells of mitosis differ from the daughter
cells of meiosis?
13. You must be able to perform a Punnet square. Complete the following combination
a. Homozygous dominant mom and heterozygous dad - use the letter "'
b. Homozygous dominant mam and homozygous recessive dad - use the letter
c. Heterozygous mom and heterozygous dad - use the letter ""

12. A daughter cell is a cell that is formed as a result of cell division. The daughter cells of mitosis are genetically identical to the parent cell, while the daughter cells of meiosis are genetically diverse due to the process of genetic recombination. 13. a. Homozygous dominant mom (AA) and heterozygous dad (Aa) - Punnett square: | | A | A | |---|---|---| | A | AA| AA| | a | Aa| Aa| b. Homozygous dominant mom (AA) and homozygous recessive dad (aa) - Punnett square: | | A | A | |---|---|---| | a | Aa| Aa| | a | Aa| Aa| c. Heterozygous mom (Aa) and heterozygous dad (Aa) - Punnett square: | | A | a | |---|---|---| | A | AA| Aa| | a | Aa| aa|

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12. A daughter cell is a cell that is formed as a result of cell division. During cell division, the parent cell divides into two or...
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