Question 1-16 Scientists have calculated that the amount of sunlight falling on the United States in one day contains more than twice the energy the country consumes in an entire year. Solar power plants can be used to collect energy from the sun and provide electricity on a large scale Which factor must be evaluated when determining the costs and benefits of a solar power plant? O how much energy can be produced on windy days • how much land will need to be cleared for the power plant • how to reduce the amount of air pollution generated by solar energy • how energy from the sun will be replaced to prevent depleting the resource


Question 1-16
Scientists have calculated that the amount of sunlight falling on the United States in one day contains more than twice the energy the country consumes in an entire year. Solar
power plants can be used to collect energy from the sun and provide electricity on a large scale Which factor must be evaluated when determining the costs and benefits of a solar
power plant?
O how much energy can be produced on windy days
• how much land will need to be cleared for the power plant
• how to reduce the amount of air pollution generated by solar energy
• how energy from the sun will be replaced to prevent depleting the resource

How much energy can be produced by the solar power plant.

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When determining the costs and benefits of a solar power plant, the amount of energy that can be produced by the plant is a crucial factor to consider...
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