Which Southeast Asian nation suffered through a genocide at the hands of Pol Pot in the 1970s that killed over one million people? A. Laos B. Thailand C. Cambodia D. Vietnam


Which Southeast Asian nation suffered through
a genocide at the hands of Pol Pot in the 1970s
that killed over one million people?
A. Laos
B. Thailand
C. Cambodia
D. Vietnam

C. Cambodia

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Cambodia suffered through a genocide at the hands of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s. The genocide killed over one million people, which was approximately 20% of the country's population at the time. The Khmer Rouge aimed to create a communist, agrarian society and targeted intellectuals, professionals, and anyone perceived as a threat to their ideology. The genocide resulted in mass executions, forced labor, and starvation. The regime was eventually overthrown in 1979, but the country still faces the lasting effects of the genocide today.
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