Which of the following best explains the data in the table? A Most Nigerian states allow the practice of Shariah law at the local level. Shariah law is practiced in southern Nigerian states, where most of Nigeria's Muslim population lives. © In all Nigerian states, cases involving Muslims are tried in courts using Shariah law. Shariah law is practiced only in the predominantly Muslim states in Nigeria


Which of the following best explains the data in the table?
Most Nigerian states allow the practice of Shariah law at the local level.
Shariah law is practiced in southern Nigerian states, where most of Nigeria's Muslim population lives.
In all Nigerian states, cases involving Muslims are tried in courts using Shariah law.
Shariah law is practiced only in the predominantly Muslim states in Nigeria


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B best explains the data in the table as it states that Shariah law is practiced only in the predominantly Muslim states in Nigeria, which is supported by...
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