their historical and there cultural differences POPulatidn with the Ara and desire for pol POLi and Here territorial region. control f Muhammad said, "Know ye that every Muslim is a brother to every other Muslim and that ye a w one brotherhood." How might this idea have increased the appeal of Islam to conquered pec nswer in complete sentences.]


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Muhammad said, "Know ye that every Muslim is a brother to every other Muslim and that ye a
w one brotherhood." How might this idea have increased the appeal of Islam to conquered pec
nswer in complete sentences.]

The idea of brotherhood among Muslims, as stated by Muhammad, could have increased the appeal of Islam to conquered people by creating a sense of unity and belonging. This could have been particularly appealing to those who may have felt marginalized or oppressed under previous rulers. Additionally, the emphasis on equality and brotherhood may have appealed to those who were seeking a more just and fair society.

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The idea of brotherhood among Muslims was a central tenet of Islam that emphasized the importance of unity and solidarity among believers. This idea was particularly...
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