
Recently Asked Questions In Biology

Select the correct set of functional groups in the following compound.
Select one:
© a. Phenol and aldehyde
O b. Ether and aldehyde
© c. Alcohol and acid
O d. Alcohol and aldehyde

c. Alcohol and acid

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The compound CHO contains an alcohol functional group (the hydroxyl group) and an acid functional group (the carboxyl group). Therefore, the...
5. An effective introduction should
a. capture the audience's attention
• b. comprise at least 25 percent of your total speech
© c. often "gives away" the entire content of the speech
d. isn't a good idea unless you are trying to persuade your audience.

a. capture the audience's attention.

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An effective introduction should capture the audience's attention by using a hook or an attention-grabbing statement. This can be done by using a story...
Describe the structure of DNA.

Double helix structure made up of nucleotides consisting of a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base (adenine, thymine, guanine, or cytosine).

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The structure of DNA is a double helix, which means it consists of two strands that are twisted around each other. Each strand is made up...
B. Directions: Imagine that you are Miriam Davis Colt. On the lines provided, write an entry
for "Heading West" that reflects the tone of one of the following the adjectives. Title your entry
using the adjective you choose.

Gloomy: The Long Road Ahead - A Reflection on the Challenges of Heading West

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This answer reflects the tone of the adjective "gloomy" by emphasizing the challenges of heading west. The title of the entry is "The Long...
Which of the following
Organizing Body Paragraphs foryour Persuasive Essay
describes the "argument
There are two good ways to organize the way you present the
data and warrants in your body paragraphs Argument
Sandwich and Data Dump
1. Argument Sandwich: in this method, you alternate
sandwich" method of
organizing your body
between data and warrant.
Provide 1st example- Data
Explain ist example-Wartant
Provide 2nd example Data
Explain 2nd example War
Repeat with 3rd jexample and so on
A Claim provide Example 1; explain
Example 1 provide Example 2,explain
Example 2
2. Data Dump: in this method, you present all the data; then
you warrant all the data.
B. Claim; explain the claim; provide
Example 1and 2; explain Example 1and 2
Provide ist example -Data
Provide 2nd example Data
Provide 3rd example Data
Explain all data Warrant
C. Provide Example 1;explain Example 1;
provide Example 2; explain Example 2
D. Claim: provide all the data; explain all the

The "argument sandwich" method of organizing body paragraphs for a persuasive essay is described in option A.

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The "argument sandwich" method of organizing body paragraphs for a persuasive essay is a technique where you alternate between presenting data and providing warrants to support your...
Nelle seguenti frasi evidenzia con colori diversi gli attributi (sono 14) e le apposizioni (sono 6).
1. Le norme igieniche hanno evitato molte epidemie.
2. Perché hai comprato un cappotto nero?
3. Uisse, il famosO eroe greco, rimase venti anni lontano da Itaca, la Sua patria.
4. Per il suo sessantesimo compleanno abbiamo regalato una spilla a nonna Giulia.
5. Pinocchio, il celebre burattino di Collodi, combinava tantissime marachelle.
6. La protessoressa Bini, la nostra amata insegnante di fisica, ci ha spiegato la termodinamica.

Evidenziare gli attributi con un colore e le apposizioni con un altro colore.

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Per rispondere a questa domanda, è necessario evidenziare gli attributi (14) e le appos...
Julius Caesar's career began in which of the
A. The Senate of Rome.
B. The military of Rome.
C. As Governor of Gaul.

B. The military of Rome.

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Julius Caesar began his career in the military of Rome, where he rose to the rank of General. He later became a member of the Senate of Rome...
Mrs. Bullfrog
Nathaniel Hawthorne
2 It makes me melancholy to see how like fools some very sensible
people act in the matter of choosing wives. They perplex their
judgments by a most undue attention to little niceties of personal
appearance, habits, disposition, and other trifles which concern
nobody but the lady herself. An unhappy gentleman, resolving to
wed nothing short of perfection, keeps his heart and hand till both
get so old and withered that no tolerable woman will accept them.
Now this is the very height of absurdity... The true rule is to
ascertain that the match is fundamentally a good one, and then to
take it for granted that all minor objections, should there be such,
will vanish, if you let them alone..
Besides the fundamental principle already hinted at, demanded
the tresh bloom of youth, pearly teeth, glossy ringlets, and the
whole list of lovely items, with the utmost delicacy of habits and
sentiments, a silken texture of mind, and, above all, a virgin heart.
in a word, if a young angel just from paradise, yet dressed in
earthly fashion, had come and offered me her hand, it is by no
means certain that I should have taken it. There was every chance
of my becoming a most miserable old bachelor, when, by the best
Which sentence BEST expresses the main idea of the story?
Mrs. Bullfrog and Mr. Bullfrog are really just old
friends who took a long time to get to know each
other, and even longer to get married.
Mr. Bulffrog thinks he may be a bachelor all of his
life, but he has a plan for how he can trick a
woman into marrying him.
People who are rich often get preferential
treatment because of their money.
People are foolish in trying to choose a wife who
is perfect, instead of finding a good match and
accepting the imperfections.

People are foolish in trying to choose a wife who is perfect, instead of finding a good match and accepting the imperfections.

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The main idea of the story is that people are foolish in trying to find a perfect wife, instead of finding a good match and accepting the imperfections...
How does the congress handle the finances of the United States

Congress approves and oversees the budget of the United States.

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Congress is responsible for approving and overseeing the budget of the United States. This includes setting spending levels, raising and lowering taxes, and authorizing the borrowing...
Volcanoes become mountainous because over time the
lava cools, becoming rock.
• True
† @


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Volcanoes become mountainous because over time the lava that is expelled from the volcano cools and hardens, forming layers of rock. This process of...
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