
Recently Asked Questions In Other

How can ADP be transformed into ATP? *
• Adding energy and another ribose
Removing energy and a phosphate group
Removing a phosphate group
Adding energy and a phosphate group

Adding energy and a phosphate group.

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Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) can be transformed into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by adding energy and...
I is larerly believed that that most of the fane ever commonist aprisings was largely
and paranoia
Reading Through Hintery


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Most of the fan-led uprisings were not caused by paranoia or reading through history, but rather by a combination of economic, political, and...
Save Frog!
Final Assessment - Floral Design Basics: Principles & Elements
Floral Design Basics: Principles & Elements
1 of 20
Larissa's floral instructor critiqued her arrangement as flat. Which of the following floral design principles did Larissa most likely forget to include?
O Depth
O Rhythm
O Balance
O Filler
" .:


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Larissa's floral instructor critiqued her arrangement as flat, which means that she likely forgot to include the principle of depth. Depth is the principle...
5. Why do most coastal locations experience two high tides separated b
two low tides each day?
What are hiaher-than-uSual tides that form when the qun's and moon

Natural satellite of Earth. Coastal locations experience two high tides separated by two low tides each day due to the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth's oceans. Spring tides occur when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned, resulting in higher-than-usual tides.

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The Moon's gravitational pull on the Earth's oceans causes a bulge of water to form on the side of the Earth facing the Moon, creating...
Kanta objek
Objective lens
Pelaras kasa
Coarse focus kn

Pelaras halus, Fine focus knob.

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The objective lens is the lens closest to the object being viewed, while the mirror is used to reflect light and the stage is the platform on which the...
White holes remain hypothetical objects means that:
We haven't proven that they exist.
They are round.
They vomit.
They might be tunnels to other universes.

We haven't proven that they exist.

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White holes remain hypothetical objects, which means that we have not yet been able to prove that they exist. The other options are incorrect, as white holes...
Employers are required to:
Provide adequate and appropriate first aid equipment
) Be on site whenever employees are working
Deliver first aid to anyone who needs it

False. Employers are required to provide adequate and appropriate first aid equipment and ensure that someone is available to administer first aid if needed, but they are not required to be on site at all times.

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According to most occupational health and safety regulations, employers are required to provide adequate and appropriate first aid equipment and ensure that someone is available to administer first...
The United States encountered many divisive events during its early years (1789-1800). Imagine that an American during the earry republic made the
following statement. Select from a dropdown menu to identify the event or issue to which the statement refers.
This event demonstrates America's fierce partisan politics and the people's party emerging victorious. We should celebratel The party
that best represents the economic interests of the majority of Americans, not just the ellte, has won and will now take over the
presidency and Congress.
Event or issue: Election of 1796
To which political party would the person who made this statement most likely belong?
O Federalist
O Republican


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The statement made by the American during the early republic refers to the Election of 1796, which saw the Federalist Party emerge victorious. Therefore, the...
A. Reproduction B. Chemical reaction C. Myosin D. Whole Genome Sequencing
Nutrients that provide calories or energy. nutrients are substances needed for growth, metabolism, and for other
body functions.
A. Membrane Potenlial B. Psychobiology C. Macronutrient D. Mucous Membrane

C. Macronutrient

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Macronutrients are nutrients that provide calories or energy. They include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats...
One reason this type of sentiment might have
seen considered revolutionary for a poet at tha
ime is ...

It challenged the traditional poetic conventions of the time.

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One reason this type of sentiment might have been considered revolutionary for a poet at that time is because it challenged the traditional poetic conventions of the time...
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