
Recently Asked Questions In Politics

Why was shipbuilding during WWII
located on BOTH the East and West
A. Congress was located there
C. The convoy system
B. Natural resource location
D. Atlantic and Pacific warfare
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B. Natural resource location. Both coasts had access to important natural resources needed for shipbuilding, such as steel, timber, and oil. Additionally, having shipyards on both coasts allowed for quicker production and deployment of ships to both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters of war.

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During World War II, shipbuilding was a crucial industry for the United States. The country needed to build a large number of ships to support the...
| 1 point
[U08 M2 G1 L2] The particle and its antiparticle have the same type your answer...
charge magnitude, but the sign of their charges is opposite.


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The statement is true. A particle and its antiparticle have the same mass, spin, and magnitude of charge, but the sign of their...
Tn.D berusia 20 tahun. Saat
melakukan pengkajian, didapatkan
hasil bahwa pasien sudah 2 hari tidak
mandi, pasien mengatakan malas
untuk mandi. Pasien tampak
berpenampilan tidak rapi, tidak
mampu berpakaian dengan benar,
serta tercium bau yang tidak sedap
dari tubuhnya. Apakah masalah
psikososial pada kasus di atas?
OA. Harga diri rendah
O O B. Isolasi Sosial
OC. Ketidakberdayaan

C. Ketidakberdayaan.

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The problem in the given case is related to the patient's inability to perform basic self-care activities such as bathing. This indicates a sense of help...
What is a MONARCHY?

A monarchy is a form of government in which a single person, usually a hereditary monarch, holds supreme authority.

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A monarchy is a form of government in which a single person, usually a hereditary monarch, holds supreme authority over a state or territory. The monarch may...
7. Which of the following is true? *
Viola is convinced Orsino knows "Cesario" is not a man and that Orsino sees the
disguise as a clever joke.
Orsino thinks it is impossible for Cesario to be insistent and rude.
O Orsino thinks Cesario's femininity can work to his personal benefit.
Orsino compares his beloved Olivia to the goddess Diana.
1 poir

O Orsino thinks Cesario's femininity can work to his personal benefit.

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In William Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night, Orsino is convinced that Cesario is a man, but he also sees the disguise as a...
EMS is a coordinated network of professionals that provide

Emergency medical services.

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Emergency medical services (EMS) is a coordinated network of professionals, such as paramedics, emergency medical technicians, and other medical personnel, that provide medical care...
-pidit Why Andy s mood changes on Christmas. What caused it?

Possible answer: Andy's mood changes on Christmas because he misses his father who passed away. This causes him to feel sad and nostalgic, but he eventually finds comfort and joy in spending time with his family and friends.

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Certainly! Andy's father was a big part of his life, and his absence on Christmas is a painful reminder of his loss. Andy may feel...
13 (Gelagat Usahawan) /Final assessment APT2013 (Entrepreneur's Behaviour)
Course dasht
Yang manakah BUKAN proses penjanaan peluang.
Which is NOT an opportunity generation processes.
O A. Pengalaman dan pengetahuan terdahulu/ experiences and prior knowledge.
• B. Kebolehan usahawan/ entrepreneur abilities.
O C. Sikap usahawan/ entrepreneur attitude.
O D. Tindakan membuat peluang untuk wujud/ actions make the opportunities to come into existence.

C. Sikap usahawan/ entrepreneur attitude.

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Option C is the correct answer as it is not an opportunity generation process. The other options are all processes that can be used to generate opportunities...
How was the 2018 eruption of the Kilauea volcano, a shield volcano in Hawaii, different from the typical eruptive impact of shield volcanoes?

The 2018 eruption of Kilauea was characterized by unusually high levels of lava flow, which is not typical of shield volcanoes.

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The 2018 eruption of Kilauea was different from the typical eruptive impact of shield volcanoes in that it produced unusually high levels of lava...
How does plastic trash cause marine life and sea birds to starve?
They mistake plastic for food, which clogs their stomachs and doesn't leave any room for real food.
Plastic takes up space in the water so marine animals have no place to live.
The plastic in the ocean is so dense that the marine life cannot find food easily.
Plastic doesn't cause marine life or sea bird to starve: they're smart enough to know the difference between plastic and food.

Plastic blocks access to food and takes up space in the water, making it difficult for marine life and sea birds to find food.

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Plastic trash in the ocean blocks access to food and takes up space in the water, making it difficult for marine life and sea birds to find food...
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