
Recently Asked Questions In Politics

2. action in which one continental plate is forced under


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Subduction is a geological process in which one tectonic plate is forced beneath another plate into the Earth's mantle. This process occurs at conver...
Which best describes the work of James Fenimore Cooper?
He created Rip Van Winkle and the Headless Horseman.
He was a painter who exemplified the Hudson River School style.
He wrote song-like poems celebrating the common man.
He wrote novels that celebrated American Indian culture.

He wrote novels that celebrated American Indian culture.

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James Fenimore Cooper was an American writer who is best known for his novels that celebrated American Indian culture. His most famous works include "The Last...
Paciente de 6 años de edad, con diagnóstico de parálisis cerebral, en la
examinación se determina, que la madre se entera al 7 mes que estaba
embarazada, con antecedente de mala alimentación, durante el parto el
niño presenta una hipoxia y posterior al parto presenta 2 convulsiones.
Según lo anterior ¿Cuál es el factor perinatal que presenta el paciente
como antecedente de su patología?
O a. Hipoxia
O b. Mala nutrición de la madre
O c. Convulsiones
O d. No seguimiento control durante el embarazo

a. Hipoxia.

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El factor perinatal que presenta el paciente como antecedente de su patología es la hipoxia. Durante el parto,...
Nondisjunction occurs when
portion of a chromosome breaks off and is lost.
an entire pair of chromosomes is lost during meiosis I.
two chromosomes fuse into one.
D) members of a chromosome pair fail to separate.

D) members of a chromosome pair fail to separate.

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Nondisjunction is a type of chromosomal abnormality that occurs during cell division, specifically during meiosis. It is the failure of hom...
D) the digestive system was malfunctioning
10. Compared to an endocrine response, a nerve
response differs in that the nerve response generally
A) aids in homeostasis
B) requires a chemical secretion
C) is longer in duration
D) is more rapid
11. A similarity of the human nervous and endocrine
aristome to thot both normoll.,

11. A similarity of the human nervous and endocrine systems is that both help to regulate and maintain homeostasis in the body.

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Homeostasis refers to the ability of the body to maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in the external environment. Both the nervous and endocrine...
3. Children raised in an authoritarian parenting style are likely to become
the following?
A. Confident
B. Obedient
C. Have high self-esteem
D. Socially skillful

B. Obedient

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Authoritarian parenting is a parenting style characterized by high demands and low responsiveness. Children raised in this style are likely to become obedient, but may lack...
What are the requirements to become president of the United States or Vice pre

President? To become President of the United States, one must be a natural-born citizen, at least 35 years old, and have been a resident of the United States for at least 14 years. To become Vice President, the same requirements apply.

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Sure, I'd be happy to elaborate! The Constitution of the United States outlines the requirements to become President or Vice President in Article II, Section...
18. Stabilisci se le seguenti affermazioni
sono vere (V) o false (F).
d. Il nucleo di una cellula
eucariotica contiene solo DNA.
b. Tutte le cellule svolgono
identiche funzioni.
C. I ribosomi sono la sede
della sintesi degli zuccheri.
Il reticolo endoplasmatico
ruvido presenta ribosomi
all'interno di vescicole.
e. Ilisosomi sono vacuoli
ricchi di pigmenti colorati.
Il nucleoide è il nucleo
della cellula procariotica.
I pili sessuali dei procarioti
permettono agli stessi
di scambiare porzioni di DNA.
h. Il citoscheletro è formato
da filamenti di actina, filamenti
intermedi e microtubuli.
Le ciglia sono piccole
estroflessioni che tengono
unite le cellule.
Il reticolo endoplasmatico
liscio sintetizza lipidi di vario tipo
nelle cellule delle ghiandole.

d. Falso b. Falso c. Falso Il reticolo endoplasmatico ruvido presenta ribosomi sulla sua superficie, non all'interno di vescicole. e. Falso Il lisosoma è un organulo che contiene enzimi digestivi. Il nucleoide è il DNA circolare presente nelle cellule procariotiche, non il nucleo. I pili sessuali dei procarioti permettono la trasmissione di materiale genetico tra cellule, ma non scambi di porzioni di DNA. h. Vero Le ciglia sono strutture mobili che si trovano sulla superficie di alcune cellule. j. Vero

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d. Il nucleo di una cellula eucariotica contiene non solo DNA, ma anche proteine e RNA. b. Le...
3. What can the reader conclude about the author's reasons for suggesting a test *
in the second-to-last paragraph of the selection?
• A. The author believes the test will prove that MP3 songs are missing details.
• B. The author believes the test will show that different music formats sound alike.
C. The author believes the test will have different results for different people.
D. The author believes the test will demonstrate the superiority of MP3s.

C. The author believes the test will have different results for different people.

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The author suggests a test in the second-to-last paragraph of the selection in order to demonstrate that different people will have different results when listening...
What were the lice wars o and onion strategy n the war

The Lice Wars and Onion Strategy were tactics used by the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War to disrupt US military operations.

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The Lice Wars and Onion Strategy were tactics used by the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War to disrupt US military operations. The Lice Wars involved...
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